The “Very Short Introduction” series is a collection of general scientific books, and my approach to designing the book covers aimed to visually convey the diverse perspectives within each subject. While not having read all the books posed a challenge in selecting specific elements for the design, I opted to focus on incorporating the main themes or essential elements from each book onto the front covers. This strategy aimed to provide a glimpse into the core aspects of each topic, allowing the audience to anticipate the varied perspectives explored within the series.

I incorporated 3D graphics as light boxes to highlight the central objects relevant to each book. The design intentionally featured these objects from different perspectives, aiming to inspire the audience to approach the subjects with a diversity of viewpoints. In the color scheme, I selected red to represent the plague, blue for the coral reef, and yellow for fossils. This color palette not only elevate the visual appeal of the covers but also establishes a visual link with the unique themes of each book.

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